Oline fiberglass gratings and structure have many uses in the food industry as they represent an excellent alternative to stainless steel. Frequent washings, wet conditions, and oily conditions, also, put your facility at risk for worker injury due to the slippery conditions of stainless steel grating and diamond plate walking surfaces. OLine from PT. Orindo Eratec, a full service grating manufacturer provides FRP products, all have long-lasting, slip-resistant surfaces that significantly reduces the risk of on-site accidents. The high resistance to corrosion of these gratings makes them suitable for applications in contact with chemicals, ensures their durability and allows to completely eliminate maintenance costs. Oline gratings do not contain any heavy metals and hence they are especially suited for use in environments where cleaning is performed, as they do not release hazardous substances. Their typical resistance to humidity, low temperatures and sudden changes in temperature makes Oline products suitable for use in the food industry, for walking surfaces, gangways, parapets, ladders (inclined and vertical) and enclosures. The surfaces of these Oline flooring products are easily cleaned.